CENTRALE COSMIQUE Pour se retrouver ensemble dans une atmosphère cosmique et partager des instants opérationnels. PC Mac Linux Version, click on the icon.
POINT DE RENCONTREAu Point de Rencontre, nous ne sommes pas seuls dans l’Univers. МЕСТО ВСТРЕЧИ Здесь, в «Месте встречи», мы не одиноки во Вселенной. MEETING POINTAt the Meeting Point, we’re not alone in the Universe. PC Mac Linux Version, click on the icon.
CRISTAL TEMPLE MEDITATION OF HARMONIZATION, COMMUNION, UNIFICATIONEvery day andSpecial meditation every FRIDAY from 8 pm to 8h30 pm GMT ParisDiscussion on Zoom 813 2522 2442 from 8h30 to 21h15 МЕДИТАЦИЯ ГАРМОНИЗАЦИИМЕДИТАЦИЯ ГАРМОНИЗАЦИИB КАЖДУЮ ПЯТНИЦУ с 21.00 до 22.00 по московскому временив виртуальном ХРУСТАЛЬНОМ ХРАМЕ (CRISTAL TEMPLE)Zoom 813 2522 2442 PC Mac Linux Version, click […]
Not yet registered in the club? You can do so by clicking on the link…https://clubinterneland.com/register/
Meetings in the virtual world Yacht Club QL of the members of the Club Interneland. Free to all. ENTER THE YACHT CLUB BY CLICKING ON THE ICON. PC Mac Linux Version, click on the icon.
Discover the 3d virtual world …the Yacht ClubQL… free… open to all. Download link : http://clubqualitativelife.com/yachtclub http://clubqualitativelife.com/en/yachtclub

This is a status update. You all have a nice day