
@cycy Active 4 years ago


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  • The one thing I am most passionate about:

    What fascinates me in life is the evolution of the human being towards his or her true nature, which is actually much more spiritual and galactic than formal and earthly…

    Ce qui me passionne dans la vie est l’évolution de l’être humain vers sa vraie nature qui est en réalité beaucoup plus spirituelle et galactique que formelle et terrienne…

    Things I am looking for in a person are:

    I am looking for friends who are eager to access a way of life allowing an awakening of consciousness, a re-harmonization of the self and why not also a certain desire to help others to achieve their happiness.

    Je recherche des ami(e)s qui soient désireux d’accéder à un mode de vie permettant un éveil de la conscience, une réharmonisation de soi et pourquoi pas aussi un certain désir d’aider aussi les autres à réussir leur bonheur.

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  • Cynthia posted an update in the group Group logo of Inter PublicInter Public 4 years ago

    (Edité par Debora Castellani)
    When nothing else exists in our heart
    that the desire of light, then everything can begin again.
    ☀️ Meeting with energy and consciousness ☀️
    When we are unified with our upper dimension, it is no longer just our will that makes us act, but rather the transcendence that beats in us and of which we then become the temple.
    We have the greatest force in us, as we reunite Heaven and Earth.
    In this way we participate in the transformation of the world; we can leave a profane past to achieve a future of unification and encounter with God, absolute consciousness in breasts of pure energy.
    Ijp Appel Guery Everyday Friend
    February 14th
    When it only exists in our hearts
    the desire of light, then all
    will be able to start.
    ☀️ Encounter with energy and consciousness ☀️
    When we are unified with our
    higher dimension, it is not only our will that makes us act but rather the importance that pulsates in us and that we become the temple.
    We stop the greatest of forces, because
    We bring Heaven and Earth together.
    We participated in the transformation of the
    world. We can abandon a profane past to reach a future of unification and encounter with God, absolute consciousness within pure energy.
    Ijp Appel Guery Everyday Friend
    February 14th
    When in our heart there exists only the desire for light, everything can begin again.
    ☀️Meeting with energy and consciousness
    When we are united with our higher dimension, it is not only our will that makes us act but rather the transcendence that vibrates within us and for which we then become a temple.
    We hold the greatest of forces, because we bring together Heaven and Earth.
    In this way we participate in the transformation of the world. We can leave behind a past that is profane in order to arrive at a future of unification and encounter with
    God; absolute Consciousness at the heart of pure energy.
    Ijp Appel Guery A friend daily word of wisdom
    14 february
    When there is only the desire of light in our hearts, then everything can start again.
    ☀️ Encounter with energy and consciousness ☀️
    When we are unified to our higher dimension, it is not only our will that makes us act but rather the transcendence that pulses within us and which we then become the temple.
    We have the greatest strength, because we make heaven and earth join together. Thus we participate in the transformation of the world. We can leave a layman past to arrive at a future of unification and meeting with God, Absolute Consciousness in pure energy.
    Ijp Guery call Everyday friend February 14

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